Krista Berry, RPG

Krista Berry, RPG

Environmental Geologist

Krista is a Registered Professional Geologist in Mississippi with six years of experience with Neel-Schaffer and one year of experience with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality. Krista is a part of the Environmental Services team and works out of the firm’s Ridgeland (MS) office.

Krista’s primary duties include project management and field work for Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, subsurface investigations, and remediation of groundwater contaminants. As the Field Team Leader for several Brownfield Community Wide Assessment Grants she has conducted assessments on numerous dry cleaners, former underground storage tank facilities, and unregulated landfills.

Working under the Mississippi Groundwater Protection Trust Fund managed by the MDEQ Underground Storage Tank division, she has performed subsurface investigations throughout the state in order to delineate soil and groundwater impact plumes and subsequently designed and oversaw the remediation of hydrocarbon impacts to concentrations below applicable corrective action levels.

In addition to these duties, Krista has also prepared NEPA Environmental Assessments, Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure plans, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans.