Greenwood Wastewater Connector


Wastewater treatment facility improvements mutually beneficial for City of Greenwood, Mississippi Valley State University

Neel-Schaffer was commissioned to build a new $35.4 million wastewater facility in Greenwood, MS. Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) is located in Itta Bena, approximately seven miles from Greenwood. With the University in need of improvements to its campus wastewater treatment facility, Neel-Schaffer worked out a plan for the University to connect its sewer lines with the City of Greenwood, creating a solution for both parties.

The project included a series of upgrades to existing pump stations, force mains, and gravity sanitary sewer, and construction of new pump stations, force mains, and gravity sewer to convey the wastewater to the City of Greenwood for treatment. The existing MVSU pump station that conveys wastewater to the lagoons will be modified to convey wastewater to a new pumping stations. A series of new pumping stations, force mains, and gravity sanitary sewer will be installed as necessary to convey the wastewater to the City of Greenwood sanitary sewer system.

The project includes a 5,000-foot bore across the Tallahatchie River, replacement of an 8,000-foot force main, rehabilitation of a lift station, three new lift stations, 3,000 feet of gravity line, and 40,000 LF of 10-inch force main.