Building a ‘Road Map’ to tap area’s wonderful potential
Neel-Schaffer provided a wide variety of services for the Gordon’s Creek Linear Park Master Plan.
In addition to design and construction administration services for each of the construction phases, Neel-Schaffer provided a feasibility analysis, a phasing plan, a maintenance plan and strategies, and all associated cost estimates for the master plan. Neel-Schaffer also provided coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Norfolk Southern and Canadian National Railway Companies, collected property information and flood maps, and created checklists for all future permits.
Gordon’s Creek has meandered through the piney woods of northern Forrest County and into the Leaf River for much longer than Hattiesburg has existed. It once served as a source of life and transportation for local Native Americans. As Hattiesburg grew, development expanded to the banks of the creek. Today, Gordon’s Creek is an underutilized amenity of Hattiesburg and has untapped potential for creating lasting memories for residents and visitors.
The Gordon’s Creek Linear Park Master Plan provides a “road map” to begin to tap the wonderful potential of Gordon’s Creek. It guides the development of a linear pedestrian facility that includes a multi-purpose path, landscaping, historic lighting, artwork, pavilions, and interpretive signage.
To ensure a successful project, numerous coordination meetings were held with officials from the City of Hattiesburg and the Historic Hattiesburg Downtown Association. Neel-Schaffer’s analysis and planning was funded through the City of Hattiesburg and a grant from the Pat Harrison Waterway District.
The following phases identified by the Gordon Creek Linear Park have been constructed and/or designed:
Downtown Phase 1: Neel-Schaffer provided design and construction administration services. Professional fees were funded by the City of Hattiesburg. Construction funds of approximately $500,000 were funded by state legislative bonds and local funds through the City of Hattiesburg for 1,600 linear feet of pathway, including wooden boardwalk and bridge approaches, steel bridge, lighting and landscape. The project makes connections to Town Square Park, which is a very popular venue for concerts, farmers market and numerous other events. The project area has grown in popularity as public art and signage has been added.
Town Square Park Stage & Band Shell: Neel-Schaffer provided design and construction administration for the construction of a permanent stage and band shell at Town Square Park. Town Square Park is a popular downtown venue for several events. The park had been home to the “Live After Five” concert series for several years, making due with a temporary stage. The City hired Neel-Schaffer to design a permanent stage and band shell, complete with ADA access, electrical requirements, and light bars. The finished product has made the park even more popular for events.
Downtown Phase 2: Neel-Schaffer provided design for 750 linear feet of pathway, including a steel pedestrian bridge over Gordon Creek, lighting and landscape improvements. The design phase is complete; the project has not yet been constructed.
Depot Phase 1: Neel-Schaffer provided design and construction administration services for 880 linear feet of pathway with a short wooden boardwalk, and lighting and landscape improvements, funded by the City of Hattiesburg. Construction funds of approximately $350,000 were provided by a state earmark through the Historic Hattiesburg Downtown Association.