Golden Moon & Silver Star Casinos, Pearl River Resort


Pearl River Resort Improvements for Golden Moon and Silver Star Casinos, Reconstruction of MS Highway 16

Neel-Schaffer provided roadway and site design and construction phase services for a new casino, upgrades to an existing casino, and reconstruction of two miles of MS 16 through the Pearl River Reservation of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians in Neshoba County, MS.

The new casino also required the relocation of Wolf Creek.

Neel-Schaffer’s planning and design phase services for the 51-acre Golden Moon Casino and Resort, and upgrades at the Silver Star Casino sit,e included grading, drainage, parking, lighting, vehicular and pedestrian access, and utilities.

Planning services provided by Neel-Schaffer also included hydraulic analysis of several options of relocating Wolf Creek to accommodate the planned improvements.

Neel-Schaffer prepared a traffic impact study for the resort improvements and plans and specifications to reconstruct two miles of MS 16 from its existing two-lane configuration to a four-lane, divided median facility through the Reservation to accommodate the expected influx of traffic associated with the resort improvements.